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3 Simple Ways To Start Living Sustainably

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

Wood-inspired living room setting with furniture. Light brown, neutral hues with accents of green plants.

The idea of sustainability is like a rainbow unicorn - everyone has heard about it, some people talk about seeing it, but does it really exist? The conversation surrounding sustainability has only been talked about in mainstream media the last 40 years and many are still coming to terms with what it truly means. Despite the varying definitions, in essence it is the ability for human civilization and the Earth to co-exist. Sounds easy enough, right?

For someone who is new to sustainable living, it can be tough to know where to begin - but it doesn't need to feel like a search for an elusive mythical creature. In fact, we've broken it down into 3 main categories with actionable steps that make it easy for anyone to start.


Did you know your appliances can use up energy while plugged into the wall - even if they are turned off? Standby power can account for up to 10% of an average household’s annual electrical use. Notice how many times you open your refrigerator door, waiting for some magical food item to appear, or the number of electronics being used passively as ‘background noise’. There are so many things that we do daily, not realizing its slow-burn impact on our environment. Have no fear! We have come up with a list of, things you can do to be more conscious of to minimize these energy-zapping customs:

Half of a hanging ceiling light
  • Unplug electronics when not in use (needless to say, this doesn’t apply to things like your fridge)

  • Speaking of the fridge, take a photo of what’s inside to avoid the frequency of opening and closing the doors (makes the perfect screen background)

  • Instead of using your TV to play background music while you cook, opt for a wireless Bluetooth speaker

  • Wait for a larger pile of laundry before running a cycle, and wash using cold water. We even challenge you to hang dry your clothes

  • Use windows to your advantage - a room that receives a lot of sunlight will be warmer, thereby reducing the need for heating. And vice versa, a shaded room will be much cooler, reducing the need for AC

  • Swap for more energy-efficient light bulbs (LEDs baby!)

  • Use task lighting: turn off the ceiling light and switch to a table lamp

  • Switch your desktop to a laptop. You can plug into a monitor for the larger screen and only need to consume energy when plugging in to charge your battery

  • How about eco-friendly tech gadgets for conscious consumers that are durable and good for the planet?

Although some of these changes may seem small, if we make a collective effort to be conscious about our energy consumption, it WILL make a difference. Not only will your planet thank you, but your wallet will too.

Despite our eco-friendly demeanor, Canada has been surveyed as one of the worst waste-producing countries among 36 surveyed in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - ranking even lower than our southern neighbour, the US. So what can we do to combat this stat and what exactly are we putting into the landfills?

Top of an open compost bin with fruit peels and vegetables.

Minimize food waste. A study done by Second Harvest claims that 60 percent of food produced in Canada ends up wasted. Planning meals with on-hand ingredients or grocery shopping with a prepared list are some of the most effective ways of reducing wastage. If a dish calls for a little of a specific ingredient, instead of letting the remaining expire due to lack of use, look up other recipes using the same ingredient. Being conscious of the ingredients you are buying or finding ways to preserve it is a great way to contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. A general rule of thumb are the 3 P’s: pickle, preserve, and pesto. IKEA recently came up with an ingenious recipe book called The Scrapsbook which targets this exact issue, how to cook with less waste.

Plastic waste is a whole other beast. On a micro level, we can reduce our plastic consumption by eliminating single-use plastics as much as possible - this means switching them out with reusable ones. Some easy switches are things like:

Hands putting clear and green plastic water bottles into a blue bin.

Although many plastics are considered “recyclable”, a research project from Queen’s University found that some tracked items left in the blue bins found its way to landfills in China, Mexico and India. Why not have them land filled locally rather than spend the extra carbon to ship it abroad? When things are deemed “recyclable”, it can be naive of us to think it will be handled that way. Less waste is always the way to go.

Not everyone lives or wants to live a minimalist lifestyle. Buying is sometimes a necessity and other times, a form of therapy. There’s no shame here, but there is an offer of a new perspective on how you buy. Incorporating the concepts we’ve mentioned above, before your next purchase, think about how the products serve you and the environment. That means also looking at what material(s) the product is made of, where it’s being shipped from, and if the company employs sustainable and ethical practices?

Quick tip on avoiding impulse buys and consciously build a capsule wardrobe? Add it to your cart and come back to it the next day or even the next week. If it’s still a want after a week, then go for it! Or try adding things you’d like to buy to a list - when a sale occurs, you already have a pre-planned list of things to buy at a discount rather than buying just because there’s a sale.

If you’re in need of new clothes, why not try buying, trading or swapping pre-loved items or go virtual thrifting? If you have too many clothes on the other hand, find donation centres and follow their safety protocols, or try your hand at e-commerce by reselling them to people who share your style. All these are different ways to inspire a circular economy.

White T-shirt on a wire hanger.

When it comes down to it, the choices we make each day have a direct impact on our planet. Sustainable living is about consciously making the greener choice. That is part of our mission at Good Earth Gifting - to help Canadians find eco-friendly products and ethical brands and businesses to support. We want to make it easier for you to shop locally and sustainably.

Were these tips helpful for you? Tell us your simple ways for sustainable living and what your first steps were. We would love to hear from you in the comments below!

Each brand we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our team. Should you make a purchase from the included links, we may earn a small commission.

Now that you have learned how to start a sustainable lifestyle you may be interested to learn about sustainable gifting. Read our R’s of green gifting blogs:

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram @goodearthgifting, and TikTok @goodearthgifting for more gifting ideas.


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